
I am promoting products to naturally restore the healthy balance and function of the body. However, I give full disclosure that health cannot be restored fully as long as the emotional psyche is identified with an image, ideal, belief or psychological gratification. Psychological Becoming is a contradictory mental activity that causes internal conflict. When there is conflict inwardly, the body is also disturbed and health is at risk. So fixing the physical without understanding the mind is an incomplete approach to health.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Clearing Toxic EMF Pollutants in The Environment

Safe Space Cell Phone Protector


Quick Overview

The Safe Space Cell Phone Protector is designed to reduce the amount of radiation the brain is exposed to during cell phone use! Offering complete protection from cell phone radiation, the Safe Space Cell Phone Protector is the solution for cell phone health hazards... without affecting reception!

What is the Safe Space Cell Phone Protector?

The Safe Space Cell Phone Protector is designed to reduce the amount of radiation the brain is exposed to during cell phone use!

Studies have shown significant changes in brain activity when using a cell phone, and the Cell Phone Protector helps to reduce this change. The small, unobtrusive round decal attaches to the back of your cellular or mobile phone, Blackberry, or other wireless devices and prevents harmful radiation and electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) from affecting health, mental state, focus and productivity.

For use on all types of wireless handheld devices:

  • All cell phones
  • Smart phones
  • iPods
  • Blackberries
  • Bluetooth
  • Cordless phones

Proven to transform and neutralize cell phone radiation, without affecting reception.

Range: radiates a 24" field use 1 per mobile device. Size: 5/8"

What are the benefits of the Safe Space Cell Phone Protector?

Complete protection from cell phone radiation, the Safe Space Cell Phone Protector is the solution for cell phone health hazards!

Studies have shown that, in 70% of people, if a cell phone signal is next to the brain there are changes in the brainwaves. This testing was done at a level of about 2 microwatts per sq. cm, which is a fraction of the actual exposure experienced from the cell phone.
Cell Phone Dangers
There is a substantial body of scientific evidence showing that cellphone radiation causes significant biological effects and there may be possible health implications related to impaired brain function and behavioral disorders.

Recent studies include:

  • A Swedish team investigating mobile phone users ran the world's largest study: 11,000 cell phone users complain of a variety of symptoms after as little as 2 minutes of use.
  • The Lancet, a British Medical Journal reported a study that radiation from cell phones causes an increase in blood pressure and directly alters cell function in the human body.
  • Dr. George Carlo, chairman of Wireless Technology Research, cited a Stanford University report citing that cellular phone radiation can triple the number of chromosome abnormalities in human blood cells.
  • The UK's National Radiological Protection Board confirms significant absorption of microwave energy in the eyes and their sockets, brain, nose, tongue and surrounding muscles.
  • Research sponsored by the Department of Health at Bristol Royal Infirmary in western England showed portable telephones may alter memory and interfere with concentration and spatial awareness. The experiment was seen as powerful evidence of how cell telephones might temporarily scramble the thoughts of their users.

    How does the Safe Space Cell Phone Protector work?

    How the Cellphone Protector Works
    The Safe Space Cell Phone Patch features a non-electric metal substrate hologram encoded with frequency information that interacts with and influences EMFs, effectively protecting you against their harmful effects.
    The coded hologram is encased in a clear plastic tab with an adhesive back. Place it on the back of the phone or other device.
    When you talk on your mobile phone, your voice is transmitted from the antenna as radio frequency radiation (RFR) between 800 MHz and 1,990MHz, a range equal to the middle of microwave frequency. Exposure to this microwave RFR may have serious health consequences. Every cell phone model in the United States has a specific measurement of how much microwave energy from the phone, can penetrate the brain.
    Depending on how close the cell phone antenna is to the head, between 20% and 80% of the radiation emitted by a mobile phone is deposited in the user's head. The microwave radiation is absorbed by and actually penetrates the area around the head, some into the brain.
    The Safe Space Cell Phone Protector is scientifically designed to eliminate biological effects induced by electro-magnetic fields (EMF) no matter where the device is held on the body. When holding the phone to your ear, the head and upper body part is protected, when carrying the phone in the belt, the hip, reproductive organs and other body parts in this region are protected.
    The Safe Space Protector patch works on all cellular, mobile, cordless, portable, phones and beepers. Attaches in seconds and will not affect reception.
    For more information Click Here. 

    Safe Space 2


    Quick Overview

    Clears toxic electromagnetic fields from your computer, car, office area, home, and more. The purpose of the Safe Space device is to create a more harmonious and auspicious place to live and work. All aspects of our lives are linked to the environments we inhabit. This smaller version is ideal for computer stations, televisions, or small rooms.

    What is the Safe Space II?

    The Safe Space II clears toxic electromagnetic fields from your computer, car, office area, home, or any other needed area to help create a balanced environment and a more harmonious and auspicious place to live and work.

    • Self energizing, does not require recharging
    • Sticker included, can be attached to any surface
    • Clears a spherical area with a 9’ radius
    • Begins to work immediately
    • Testing through electro-diagnostics and kinesiology (muscle testing) has repeatedly demonstrated the balancing and strengthening effect

    What are the benefits of the Safe Space II?

    Safe Space II is intended to neutralize harmful electromagnetic fields, geopathic disturbances, and other detrimental vibrational energies in environments.

    The 2"x2" size is smaller than the Safe Space I, making it ideal for computer stations, laptops, cubicles, office space, vehicles and any small areas with electrical appliances. The Safe Space 2 contains a framed holographic grid and can be easily attached to any surface. The holographic grid is created out of a metalized plastic material that serves as receptacle and conduit for permanently imprinted vibrational frequencies. This encoded grid is designed to interact within a 9' radius to clear, re-energize and balance the entire area.

    How does the Safe Space II work?

    How Safe Space Works
    The Safe Space II device changes the polarity of the electromagnetic field (EMF), produced by the electric current from negative to positive. The holographic grid emits light waves that cause detrimental EMF’s to collapse and dissipate. The unit synergistically forms a protective shield around the area it is influencing. This also helps to correct the polarity of the magnetic field radiating from external sources, such as high-tension wires or microwave beams. The Safe Space II realigns environmental fields quickly, effectively and permanently as long as it is kept in the space it is addressing.
    For more information Click Here.

    Safe Space 1


    Quick Overview

    Clears toxic electromagnetic fields from your computer, car, office area, and home to help create a more harmonious and auspicious place to live and work. This larger version will clear a 1,000 - 1,500 square foot radius.

    The Safe Space I has a protection radius of 1,000 - 1,500 feet and is perfect for:

    • Homes
    • Apartments
    • Offices
    • Schools
    • Motels
    • Hospitals

    What are the benefits of the Safe Space I? 

    The Safe Space I clears toxic electromagnetic fields from your computer, car, office area, home, or any other area. They help create stress-free environments by addressing electromagnetic fields, geopathic disturbances, as well as other imbalanced energies in the environment.  

    EMF protection devices have been found to be beneficial for:

    • Electrodiagnostics
    • Kinesiology
    • Autonomic Response Testing (ART)
    • Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
    • Applied Psychoneurobiology (APN)

    How does the Safe Space I work?

    Safe Space devices are designed to clear and protect the environment from harmful EMF electromagnetic fields.

    The grid is permanently coded with vibrational frequencies designed interact with EMFs in your environment to create a tangible positive change.

    • Ideal for clearing ambient toxic electromagnetic fields
    • Neutralizes harmful EMF's
    • Clears toxic, energetic stress in environments
    • Creates a lighter, healthier environment
    • Increases a sense of well-being
    • Enhances mental and emotional clarity

    For more information Click Here.  



    What are GeoResonators?

    This pack of four GeoResonators will help clear dangerous electromagnetic fields and geopathic stress and restore balance to affected areas.

    Each 2x 2" patch carries a vibrating information pattern that resonates with earth energy to help neutralize pollution and support healthy biological process in the land. When the GeoResonators are planted in a matrix (using 4) they resonate and interact with each other, correcting the area within the matrix.  

    GeoResonator Patches are a great way to heal earth energy in yards, parks and neighborhoods.

    GeoResonator energy pattern is transferred to the earth and a healing life supportive energy field is carried through the soil and the atmosphere. Single GeoResonators can be used on sick plants, trees or in gardens. They are a great solution for correcting geopathic stress lines that can be detrimental to health.

    When placed in the ground, GeoResonators neutralize EMF radiation pollution, restore balance to areas of geopathic stress, and support healthy biological processes.

    Each 2x2" patch is encoded with the polarizing patterns of senior, subtle energies that specifically address imbalanced energies in the earth and provide superior EMF protection.  GeoResonators  
    What are the benefits of GeoResonators 
    • Neutralizes EMF radiation pollution
    • Clear yards, parks, farms and neighborhoods from dangerous EMF’s
    • Each patch is encoded with the polarizing patterns of subtle energies to specifically address imbalanced energies in the earth
    • Range: can be planted 2 acres or up to a half mile apart
    • Size: 2"x 2"
    • Has energy imprints of 64 minerals corresponding to the 64 resonant minerals in the earth
    • Geomagnetic earth pattern to balance soil and land

      How do GeoResonators work?

      Every GeoResonator patch has polarizing patterns of subtle energies embedded within them that address the imbalanced energies within the earth. When planted in a grid of four, the GeoResonator patches will interact with each other and protect you from geopathic stress. There are many energy fields found within the earth, GeoResonators will help support healthy biological processes in and above the land in which they are buried.

      How do GeoResonators protect from Geopathic Stress Zones?

      Each GeoResonator is encoded with a comprehensive program of transformative subtle energies that resonate with the elements of the earth and atmosphere. When planted in the earth a profound balancing and healing effect occurs in the soil, plants, trees and waterways. Because GeoResonators resonate with each, a matrix of 4 is suggested. Once planted everything within the matrix is positively affected and potentially transformed. Toxic vibrations in the earth are transmuted and the natural life force is restored. They are particularly effective in clearing Geopathic stress zones and toxic electromagnetic waves from ground current. Once the area is energy balanced, the transformed earth energy imprints into conductive materials such as metal, concrete and brick structures in and above the ground. More GeoResonators can be planted beyond the original matrix to extend the effect out over larger geographic areas. Single GeoResonators can also be used on sick plants, trees, or in gardens. Planting them in small waterways, brooks and ponds is also suggested.
      For more information Click Here.  

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