
I am promoting products to naturally restore the healthy balance and function of the body. However, I give full disclosure that health cannot be restored fully as long as the emotional psyche is identified with an image, ideal, belief or psychological gratification. Psychological Becoming is a contradictory mental activity that causes internal conflict. When there is conflict inwardly, the body is also disturbed and health is at risk. So fixing the physical without understanding the mind is an incomplete approach to health.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Importance of Iodine in your Daily Diet

Treatment of Iodine Deficiency

Should deficiency of iodine develop, it should be treated with iodine replacement. Addition of iodized salt as well as foods rich in iodine in your diet will be sufficient in achieving normal levels of iodine. Often doctors suggest the intake of mineral and vitamin supplements that are high in iodine. Because of the importance of iodine during fetal as well as early childhood growth, breastfeeding or pregnant women are recommended to take multivitamins supplements that contain iodine.

However, in serious complications, it might be required to remove the thyroid gland. This comes to the rescue particularly when it becomes difficult to breathe or swallow because of a large goiter. Thyroid replacement hormonal therapies are required in such cases of thyroid removal.

Preventive measures to follow for iodine deficiency

The deficiency of iodine levels can be improved and prevented by following these simple amendments in your daily lives:
  • Eating foods that are grown in soils that are rich in iodine
  • Eating dairy products and meat
  • Eating seaweed or seafood
  • Taking mineral and vitamin supplements that are high in iodine content
  • Making use of iodized salt while cooking
Such a great importance of iodine in your daily life affects your health. Hence it is essential that you make sure to involve the nutrient in your dietary habits that will be beneficial in the nourishment of your child’s growth too. In case you are suffering from disorders or early symptoms due to deficiency of iodine, it is suggested to consider the intake of herbal supplements such as Endosterol that boosts your immune system and provides your body with the necessary nutrients to lead a balanced and healthy life!

Common symptoms exhibited with prolonged deficiency of iodine include:

  • Constipation
  • Depressed mood
  • Dry skin
  • Fatigue
    Goiter (thyroid gland is enlarged, creating a lump of mass in the throat)
  • Increased sensitiveness to cold
  • Abnormalities in menstrual cycle
  • Protruding eyes
  • Thickening of skin
  • brittleness and thinning of nails and hair
  • weight gain
  • Weakness

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